Merton: Empowering Nonspeaking with Apple Vision Pro

May 17, 2024
Merton: Empowering Nonspeaking with Apple Vision Pro 

An Innovative, Free App Leveraging Spatial Computing and AI to Enhance Communication for Those Requiring Speech Assistance

Raleigh, NC - Today marks a significant advancement in speech technology with the launch of Merton, an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application for Apple Vision Pro. Inspired by a personal story of loss and challenge, Merton is dedicated to 'bringing a voice to the voice-impaired.' Utilizing the latest AI and spatial computing technology, the Merton app for Apple Vision Pro enables individuals who cannot speak to communicate effectively and independently with loved ones or care teams. 

Users can quickly communicate their needs by selecting a quick phrase or typing a custom message. The power of AI enhances the interaction by predicting a user’s next phrase, speeding up communication.
Inspired by Need

The inspiration for Merton stemmed from Shawn Thompson witnessing his father Merton's battle with late-stage lung cancer. Thompson saw his father transition from being outgoing, physically active and communicative, to becoming voiceless and weakened during his fight in the ICU. Alongside his battle against cancer, his father faced the immense challenge of not being able to voice his needs due to reliance on ventilator support. The traditional, low-tech communication methods available—paper boards, lip reading, and handwriting—proved more of a hindrance than a help, especially as his father also had limited motor function due to his weakened state. His father's ability to express basic needs and communicate with those around him was severely compromised, heightening his fear, anxiety, and feeling of isolation. The effort required to overcome these communication barriers eventually became so overwhelming that he would often simply give up. Motivated by his father’s struggle, Thompson created Merton to provide a tool that enables effective communication for anyone in situations where they need assistance with communication.

Merton is a Natural and Accessible Way for the Voice-Impaired to Communicate

Merton leverages Apple Vision Pro’s sophisticated eye-tracking and Dwell Control feature to provide a seamless and accessible communication experience that is unparalleled in today's market. Unlike other communication methods, which can be cumbersome, ineffective, and exclusive to specific situations, Merton enables any voice-impaired user to express their needs, thoughts, and feelings naturally and swiftly through a user-friendly interface, enhanced by AI.

Communicate Without Limitation: Communication Board Feature

Merton’s AI-powered Communication Board offers an intuitive interface, allowing users to choose from quick phrases or craft custom messages tailored to their communication needs. These phrases and messages can be vocally rendered through Apple Vision Pro or mirrored to an iPad, iPhone, or external speaker, ensuring seamless conversations. Leveraging AI, the system intelligently predicts what the user might want to say next based on their previous interactions. This predictive functionality represents a significant leap beyond traditional paper communication boards and other AAC devices, greatly enhancing and speeding up the communication flow for users.

They can share their view and amplify their message by mirroring their communication and audio to an iPad or iPhone. For audio-only, users can project their messages to an external speaker.

Identify Areas of Pain Quickly: Pain Board Feature

The Pain Board empowers users, especially those with limited or no motor functions, to quickly pinpoint areas of pain on their body using simple eye movements, utilizing just their Apple Vision Pro. This advanced functionality enables individuals to efficiently express their pain — significantly improving the caregiving process by facilitating quicker and more accurate responses to pain management needs when they cannot physically point or speak about their pain areas.

Available Now on the App Store.

Merton is now available on Apple Vision Pro and can be downloaded for free on the Apple App Store. For more information on Merton, or to learn more about the app, please visit